Wednesday, September 11, 2013


For this assignment, our class had to take pictures of things that are usually ignored as we walk by. 

The Unseen Photo #1: A vacant spider web...we only usually pay attention to them during the Halloween season (or when there is a HUGE spider on it) but I thought that this one should be seen.

The Unseen Photo #2: An unseen bee habitat. I was walking around campus and stumbled upon these pretty lights near the Benjamin T. Rome School of Music Hall. I looked into the light and I discovered IT. I was happy (yet startled) to see one of the honeycomb's residents at home.

The Unseen Photo #3: The Unseen musical graffiti posts near the Architecture building. I always walked by these on my way to class but I could not resist taking a snapshot of these whimsical posts this time!

The Unseen Photo #4: The Artsy Wire. I have never notice this before near the Art Building...with the sunset and the pretty piece of art, I had to make this seen!

The Unseen Photo #5: The Sign that I Have Never Seen Before. Has anyone besides myself NEVER noticed this sign before? I am not sure who is the Mary behind the "Mary's Metals" but I am taking a wild guess that it is the Virgin Mary (since we were at The Catholic University of America). This isn't my best picture but hey...gotta start somewhere, right?

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